Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pinewood Derby 2011

The winning car of 2011.
Getting ready to go down to the church to race the cars.
We have so many picture of LaRon with his eyes closed. I think he tries so hard to keep his eyes open that when the flash goes off they close.

Pinewood Derby 2011

Baxter taking the eye test at the Pinewood Derby. This is his last year.

All the little Cheerleader playing with their baby's.
Baxter and Branson playing for first and second. They had the fastest cars this year. LaRon helped make their cars. They were good looking cars. As the boys were racing against each other I thought it was pretty neat that they were cheering for each other. Baxter keep telling Branson what a good job he did on his race. They might fight sometimes but they are good little friends.
Racing just for fun with the other cars.
Baxter won First. yeah, yeah, . He was so happy. Since it was his last year to race I think he deserved this.

Spring Festival Loa 2011

Branson had his Spring Festival he is doing his dance. It was such a cute dance. The theme was sport. Being on the same team. They danced to a song about baseball "Center Field" and the kids dressed in their baseball shirts.

Kids singing to a song.
Branson waiting for his class to preform.