Friday, July 15, 2011

June Fun

Branson loves to go fishing even if it is a little fish.
Bentley and her cute little fish. She had so much fun.
We took a little trip up to Dark Valley and cooked hamburgers and then let the kids go fish in the creek on the way home. They had so much fun. I just had fun watching them have fun.
Baxter and Branson singing a song at science camp. I think they had so much fun.
The boys look like they have had fun and are good dirty enough for a bath. Look at how dirty Baxter hands are? I guess if a boys is dirty that mean he had fun.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Baxter receives Arrow of Light Award

Arrow of Light great job.

Baxter getting his Webelos award. I get to give him a hug after.